Local, Wired, or Wireless: Which Home Security System is Right for You?

According to the FBI, property crimes in 2015 resulted in a staggering $14.3 billion in losses. That’s a huge number. And the last thing you want is for your property to be listed among that statistic. The fact is this: A home security system in today’s world is not just a good idea – it is essential.

The same FBI data shows that millions of home burglaries happen every year. Without a home security system, you are taking a change that you might just be lucky enough to avoid being one of those statistics. Well… do you feel lucky?

Don’t bet your home and family’s safety on the flip of a coin. A comprehensive home security system provides a level of peace of mind that you simply cannot live without. Sleep better at night and go to work in the morning with a greater level of confidence in your home’s security.

Yet, what should you look for in a home security system? What are the pros and cons of each system? Let’s take a closer look.

Local Alarm Systems

Local alarm systems are the most common types of systems. They are both un-monitored and quite simple. You place sensors on your doors and windows and, in some cases, motion detectors within the house. When someone trips a circuit, an alarm within the sensor goes off.

People choose a local alarm system because they are inexpensive. You can generally find one of these systems for $100 or less online or at a local department store. Yet, these systems have major drawbacks. First, they are not monitored and are quite easy to disable. While they are easy and cost effective, they are the least secure option.

Wired Alarm Systems

A wired alarm system is most definitely an improvement over local alarms. They are also the most traditional and recognizable option for most homeowners. These systems include a control panel built into the wall, wired sensors, cameras, and motion detectors.

When a wired alarm system is trips, the alarm sounds from another area in the house, such as a closet or crawlspace. If you are use a monitored wired alarm system, the monitoring company will attempt to contact you and alert emergency services.

Wired alarm systems come with a lower cost than wireless systems. You also don’t have to worry about batteries, since the system is wired. However, one of the biggest drawbacks of wired alarm systems is the installation process. These are typically not DIY systems.

Wireless Alarm Systems

The wireless alarm systems work similarly to wired systems, but is not hobbled by the presence of wires. Wireless systems are easy to take with you and move and are far easier to install than wired alarm systems. Even those who are not technologically savvy can easily install these systems.

One of the drawbacks of a wireless system is that they generally rely on batteries. As a result, the homeowner needs to remember to replace the batteries. Fortunately, the batteries are usually high-quality and last for a long time. You generally only have to change them once every couple of years.

Wireless systems also require a strong internet connection. They will need to use this connection to communicate with the monitoring agency should the alarm go off.

As you can see, there are many different alarm system options. Thus, it is important renters and homeowners think about their budget, home size, and level of technical expertise. No matter what, doing nothing runs the risk that the coin falls on the wrong side. With a home security system, luck is always on your side.